Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley

HowToUse/Selenium Web Driver/2.44

  • The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.

*Prerequisite [#z0f4538b]
-Eclipse (You can refer [[Overall/Eclipse]])
-Maven (You can refer [[Overall/Maven]])
-Cygwin (You can refer [[Overall/Cygwin]])
-Eclipse (You can refer [[HowToUse/Eclipse/4.3]])
-Maven (You can refer [[HowToUse/Maven/3.2]])
-Cygwin (You can refer [[HowToUse/Cygwin/2.850]])

*Install&Setup [#d7844991]
(We use maven here)

*HowToUse [#n8cdc9ed]
**Prepare Project [#x244938a]
Launch Cygwin.

Create the most simple maven project.

 $ mvn archetype:create \
  -DgroupId=org.test \

Luanch Eclipse and import Maven project.

Open POM.xml, append the following description and save it. After the save, all of necessary library files will be downloaded and set into build path by maven.


[[Sample Code - POM.xml:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/blob/master/selenium_webdriver/2.44/selenium_webdriver/pom.xml]]

**Create Test Code [#zf8729c7]
Create new test class, "WikiTest".

In the Selenium IDE window, select "Option"->"Setting" and check "Enable experimental features".

Select "Option"->"Format" and choose "Java / JUnit 4 / WebDriver.

Copy and paste Java code to new test class "WikiTest". Change package name and class name as needed.

[[Sample Code - WekiTest:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/blob/master/selenium_webdriver/2.44/selenium_webdriver/src/test/java/org/test/WikiTest.java]]

Execute maven test. New web browser will be launched , execute the test case and close it automatically.

 $ mvn test.

*Author [#x20fd008]