Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley

HowToUse/Selenium Web Driver/2.44


*Prerequisite [#z0f4538b]
-Eclipse (You can refer [[Overall/Eclipse]])
-Maven (You can refer [[Overall/Maven]])
-Cygwin (You can refer [[Overall/Cygwin]])

*Install&Setup [#d7844991]
(We use maven)

*HowToUse [#n8cdc9ed]
**Prepare Project [#x244938a]
Launch Cygwin.

Create the most simple maven project.

 $ mvn archetype:create \
  -DgroupId=org.test \

Luanch Eclipse and import Maven project.

Open POM.xml and append the following description.


**Create Test Code [#zf8729c7]
Create new test class, "WikiTest".

In the Selenium IDE window, select "Option"->"Setting" and check "Enable experimental features".

Select "Option"->"Format" and choose "Java / JUnit 4 / WebDriver.

Copy and paste Java code to new test class "WikiTest".

Execute maven test.

 $ mvn test.

*Author [#x20fd008]