Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley


  • The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.

*Prerequisite [#i469bbfe]
-Ubuntu Server installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/UbuntuServer/14.04]])

*Install&Setup [#w796d593]
Install GoogleAppEngine SDK.

*HowToUse [#zb58dae2]
**Create application [#t0f57043]
Create app.yaml

 $ mkdir <project directory>
 $ cd <project directory>
 $ vi app.yaml

You can refer sample [[here:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/blob/master/gae/1.9/helloworld/app.yaml]]

Create main.py

 $ vi main.py

You can refer sample [[here:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/blob/master/gae/1.9/helloworld/main.py]]

Launch instance.

 $ dev_appserver.py .

Then you can see the sample web site from http://localhost:8080
If you want to have portforwarding in virtual environment, you can use the following command.

 $ dev_appserver.py --host .

**Deploy application to Google App Engine [#ye377fd4]
Access[[console site:https://appengine.google.com/]] to register application.


Click "Google Developers Console" link.


Click "Create project" button, and determine application ID.

Update "application" in app.yaml to the same string of application ID, and execute the following command.

 $ appcfg.py update .

Then the application is deployed and you can access from [http://<application ID>.appspot.com].

**Create application with Jinja2 [#f57c3ae5]
Add jinja2 to app.yaml. You can see sample from [[here:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/blob/master/gae/1.9/jinja2/app.yaml]]

Prepare view file. You can see sample from [[here:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/blob/master/gae/1.9/jinja2/main.py]]

Prepare control file. You can see sample from [[here:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/blob/master/gae/1.9/jinja2/main.py]]

*Author [#vbadca3a]