Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley



*Install&Setup [#c9b6b1ee]
**Command Line [#mf036c8e]
-JDK is installed.
-Eclipse is installed.
-Eclipse installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/Eclipse/4.3]])

:Step.1|Download Maven from http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi and unzip it.

(In case download file is tar ball)
 $ tar xzvf <download file>

:Step.2|Set path.
(In case you are using Windows)
|MAVEN_HOME|Maven Home path|"C:\apache-maven-3.2.2"|
|Path|Maven executable path|"%MAVEN_HOME%\bin"|
The setting of "MAVEN_HOME" is not mandatory. Just I prefer to set "HOME" variable to manage multiple versions' path.

:Step.3|Confirm if the maven works
 $ mvn --version

**Eclipse Plugin [#s6deda6c]
(If you installed Eclipse for Java EE, Maven plugin, m2e is installed by default. Here, I use Eclipse 4.3 (Kepler) for explanation.)

:Step.1|Launch eclipse.

:Step.2|Choose "Help" -> "About Eclipse" and check if the plugin for Maven (m2e) has already been installed.
If the icon for m2e is shown up, you have plugin.

:Step.3|Choose "Help" -> "Install New Software" and click "add" button.

:Step.4|Enter the name and location of plugin.

|Name|Name for plugin|"m2e"|
|Location|The location of plugin|"http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases "|

:Step.5|Check the install item and click "next" button.

*HowToUse [#g107da17]
**Simple Case [#h801fde1]
:Step.1|Create a new project.
 $ mvn archetype:create \
   -DgroupId=<Group ID> \
   -DartifactId=<Artifact ID>
|group ID|Java Package name|"org.apache"|
|artifact ID|Project name for Maven|"project1"|

:Step.2|Launch eclipse and choose "File" -> "Import". Select "Existing Maven Project" and click "Next" button.

:Step.3|Click "Browze" button.

:Step.4|Select Maven project folder we have created.

:Step.5|pom.xml in the folder will be recognized. Click "finish" button.

:Step.6|Double click the pom.xml and edit it as needed.
If you append "dependency" block, maven download correspondent library from maven repository and link the source code in the project.

(Example: Selenium plugin)

(MySQL Connector)


:Step.7|Create test code.

:Step.8|Compile project
 $ mvn compile

:Step.9|Execute Test Code
(Command line)
 $ mvn test

Choose "Run" -> "Run As" -> "maven test"

**JavaEE project [#g2ba2527]

*Author [#jb435f7f]