Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley



*Prerequisite [#q4efe545]
-Ubuntu Server (You can refer [[Overall/UbuntuServer]])
-RVM (You can refer [[Overall/RVM]])

*Install&Setup [#y05d363e]
Check if the rails has already been installed.
 $ rails --version

If the rails has not been installed yet, execute the following command
 $ gem install rails

*HowToUse [#p499ff68]
**Create new application [#n11fa587]
Create new application.
 $ rails new <Application Name>

Launch application.
 $ cd <Application Name>
 $ rails server

In case you encounter the error message of "Could not find a JavaScript runtime.", execute the following commands.
 $ gem install execjs
 $ gem install therubyracer

Open the Gemfile and append the following lines.
 $ vi Gemfile

 gem ‘execjs’
 gem ‘therubyracer’

 $ bundle install

Access the following page.

Create controller and view files.
 $ rails generate controller <Controller Name> <Method(View)> <Method(View)>
 $ rails generate controller Say hello goodbye

Access the following page.

**Get data from RESTful service [#t20ffe9e]
Edit controller.

 $ vi app/controller/<Controller file>

    require 'open-uri'
    require 'json'
    res = open('<URL>')
    code, message = res.status
    if code == '200'
      @result = JSON.parse(res.read)

Put it to view file.

 $ vi app/view/<View file>

 <% @result.each do |data| %>
  <td><%= data['<Key#1>'] %></td>
  <td><%= data['<Key#2>'] %></td>
 <% end %>

**Upload to Heroku [#hf6c5c2d]
:Step.1|Create new account in Heroku (https://id.heroku.com/login)


:Step.2|Install Ruby 2.2.2

 $ rvm install ruby-2.2.2

:Step.3|Install Heroku Toolbelt.

 $ wget -O- https://toolbelt.heroku.com/install-ubuntu.sh | sh

When you encounter error, you can use standalone edition with the following commands.

 $ wget -qO- https://toolbelt.heroku.com/install.sh | bash
 $ echo 'PATH="/usr/local/heroku/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.profile

:Step.4|Login to Heroku

 $ heroku login

:Step.5| Prepare Git repository.

 $ git clone <Git Repository>


 $ cd <Ruby On Rails Project>
 $ git init
 $ git add .
 $ git commit -m "initial commit"

:Step.6| Edit Gemfile because Heroku doesn't allow sqlite3, but PostgreSQL

 $ vi config/Gemfile

 +gem 'pg'
 -gem 'sqlite3'
 +gem 'sqlite3', group: %w(test development), require: false
 +gem 'pg', group: %w(production), require: false

:Step.7|Install gem file.

 $ bundle install

:Step.8|Edit database.yml

 $ vi db/database.yml

   <<: *default
 -  database: db/production.sqlite3
 +  adapter: pg
 +  database: db/production.pg

:Step.9|Create application in Heroku

 $ heroku create <application name>

:Step.10|Push files.

 $ git push heroku master

*Author [#la69134c]