Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley



*Install&Setup [#y05d363e]
Check if the rails has already been installed.
 $ rails --version

If the rails has not been installed yet, execute the following command
 $ gem install rails

*HowToUse [#p499ff68]
Create new application.
 $ rails new <Application Name>

Launch application.
 $ cd <Application Name>
 $ rails server

In case you encounter the error message of "Could not find a JavaScript runtime.", execute the following commands.
 $ gem install execjs
 $ gem install therubyracer

Open the Gemfile and append the following lines.
 $ vi Gemfile

 gem ‘execjs’
 gem ‘therubyracer’

 $ bundle install

Access the following page.

Create controller and view files.
 $ rails generate controller <Controller Name> <Method(View)> <Method(View)>
 $ rails generate controller Say hello goodbye

Access the following page.

*Contributer [#la69134c]