Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley



*Install&Setup [#md5becfa]
**Install Git from Cygwin [#k4e04c5b]

*HowToUse [#hd885861]
**Use original Git Server [#r8596e41]
***Setup the Git Server [#pcb92f91]
Refer [[HowToUse/Git Daemon/1.7]]

***Create Repository [#o328d5d8]
:Step.1|Create your local repository.

 # mkdir <Local Repository>
 # cd <Local Repository>
 # git init
 # git remote add origin <User Name>@<Host name>:<Repository Path>

 # git remote add origin syatsuzuka@

:Step.2|Check in the first file.

 # touch readme.txt
 # git add readme.txt
 # git commit -m 'Initial commit'
 # git push -u origin master

**Use GitHub [#w505603b]
***Sign up the GitHub [#ha159fd9]
:Step.1|Access the GitHub web site and sign up(https://github.com/).

:Step.2|Click "create" button and create new repository.

***Create Repository [#eeb45dca]
:Step.1|Create your local repository.

 # mkdir <Local Repository>
 # cd <Locak Repository>
 # git init
 # git remote add origin https://<User Name>@github.com/<User Name>/<Repository Name>.git

 # git remote add origin https://github.com/syatsuzuka/test.git

:Step.2|Check in the first file.

 # touch readme.txt
 # git add readme.txt
 # git commit -m 'Initial commit'
 # git push -u origin master

**Use BitBucket [#j1eba035]
***Sign up the BitBucket [#n0e61de8]
:Step.1|Access the BitBucket web site and sign up(https://bitbucket.org/).

:Step.2|Click "create" button and create new repository.

***Create Repository [#fd616f93]
:Step.1|Create your local repository.

 # mkdir <Local Repository>
 # cd <Locak Repository>
 # git init
 # git remote add origin https://<User Name>@bitbucket.org/<User Name>/<Repository Name>.git

 # git remote add origin https://syatsuzuka@bitbucket.org/syatsuzuka/test.git

:Step.2|Check in the first file.

 # touch readme.txt
 # git add readme.txt
 # git commit -m 'Initial commit'
 # git push -u origin master

**Maintain the files in Repository [#ia5caee3]
:Step.1|Clone the remote repository.
 # git clone <Repository Path>

 # git clone https://syatsuzuka@bitbucket.org/syatsuzuka/test.git

:Step.2|Launch Eclipse and switch to Git Perspective.

:Step.3|Click "Add an existing local Git repository" and setup Local Repository Path.

:Step.4|Edit the files.

:Step.5|Commit and push the modified files.
Eclipse Plugin sometimes doesn't have full functionalities for the external utilities such as maven or git, so I recommend you to use command line for fundamental operations except for editing files.
 # git add <Modified Files>
 # git commit -m '<Commit Log>'
 # git pull origin
 # git push origin

*Contributer [#v4f30f2e]

*Open Discussion [#ue3d039e]
If you have questions or comments, please share them below.
We will improve the above information referring to your posting.