Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley


  • The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.

*Install&Setup [#md5becfa]
**Use Cygwin [#k4e04c5b]
**Install Git from Cygwin [#k4e04c5b]

*HowToUse [#hd885861]
**Use original Git Server [#r8596e41]
***Setup the Git Server [#pcb92f91]
Refer [[HowToUse/Git Daemon/1.7]]

***Create Repository [#o328d5d8]
:Step.1|Create your local repository.

 # mkdir <Local Repository>
 # cd <Local Repository>
 # git init
 # git remote add origin <User Name>@<Host name>:<Repository Path>

 # git remote add origin syatsuzuka@

:Step.2|Check in the first file.

 # touch readme.txt
 # git add readme.txt
 # git commit -m 'Initial commit'
 # git push -u origin master

**Use GitHub [#w505603b]
***Sign up the GitHub [#ha159fd9]
:Step.1|Access the GitHub web site and sign up(https://github.com/).

:Step.2|Click "create" button and create new repository.

***Create Repository [#eeb45dca]
:Step.1|Create your local repository.

 # mkdir <Local Repository>
 # cd <Locak Repository>
 # git init
 # git remote add origin https://<User Name>@github.com/<User Name>/<Repository Name>.git

 # git remote add origin https://github.com/syatsuzuka/test.git

:Step.2|Check in the first file.

 # touch readme.txt
 # git add readme.txt
 # git commit -m 'Initial commit'
 # git push -u origin master

**Use BitBucket [#j1eba035]
***Sign up the BitBucket [#n0e61de8]
:Step.1|Access the BitBucket web site and sign up(https://bitbucket.org/).

:Step.2|Click "create" button and create new repository.

***Create Repository [#fd616f93]
:Step.1|Create your local repository.

 # mkdir <Local Repository>
 # cd <Locak Repository>
 # git init
 # git remote add origin https://<User Name>@bitbucket.org/<User Name>/<Repository Name>.git

 # git remote add origin https://syatsuzuka@bitbucket.org/syatsuzuka/test.git

:Step.2|Check in the first file.

 # touch readme.txt
 # git add readme.txt
 # git commit -m 'Initial commit'
 # git push -u origin master

**Maintain the files in Repository [#ia5caee3]
:Step.1|Clone the remote repository.
 # git clone <Repository Path>

 # git clone https://syatsuzuka@bitbucket.org/syatsuzuka/test.git

:Step.2|Launch Eclipse and switch to Git Perspective.

:Step.3|Click "Add an existing local Git repository" and setup Local Repository Path.

:Step.4|Edit the files.

:Step.5|Commit and push the modified files.
Eclipse Plugin sometimes doesn't correspondent with the full functionalities to other connected utilities, so it is recommendable to use command line for fundamental operations except for editing files.
Eclipse Plugin sometimes doesn't have full functionalities for the external utilities such as maven or git, so I recommend you to use command line for fundamental operations except for editing files.
 # git add <Modified Files>
 # git commit -m '<Commit Log>'
 # git pull origin
 # git push origin

*Contributer [#v4f30f2e]

*Open Discussion [#ue3d039e]
If you have questions or comments, please share them below.
We will improve the above information referring to your posting.