Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley


  • The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.

*Prerequisite [#ed8d6f7b]
-DockerHub account creation
-GitHub account creation

*Install&Setup [#xc9921a6]

*HowToUse [#xf3392d9]
*Create [#u9fd0f6a]

**Linking GitHub [#k9ccf80e]
Access Docker Hub web site.

Choose "Setting" menu and click "Linked Account & Services" link.

Click "Link GitHub" and select "Public and Private (recommend)".


Create a project which contains Docker file and push it to your GitHub space.

Access Github web site, and move to your project space.

Select "Setting" menu and click "Integration and service" link.

Choose "Docker" from "Add service" menu.


*Author [#cd07bb23]