Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley



* Introduction [#kf464079]
To share information for Open Source Software and its community to public on a volunteer basis.
Don't expect too much please.

--Monthly Interview
--Study Session
--Sharing Information (News, Event information, etc)

Enthusiastic volunteer who has passion for Open Source Software is always welcome even though you are not engineer.

* Link [#k43ad822]
[https://www.facebook.com/groups/OSS.SiliconValley/ OSSSV FB Group]

[https://www.facebook.com/groups/OSS.SiliconValley.Staff/ OSSSV FB Group(for Volunteer)]

[http://osssv.wordpress.com/ OSSSV Blog]

[http://virago.sakura.ne.jp/osssv/public/index.php?cmd=rss10 RSS feed - OSSSV Public Memorandum]

[http://osssv.wordpress.com/feed/ RSS feed - OSSSV Blog]